суббота, 21 декабря 2013 г.

JN 2013

Oda: 3T-0.42, 3A+2.20, 3Lz+2T+1.26, level 3 for CCSp & FSSp, level 2 for CCoSp & step  |GS
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"In the tournament feel. Olympics I thought that it should not be a mistake, that ... would have been swallowed up. Tension that has only enthusiasm it takes, I want to do my best and not give up. Last you. Tension there is something unique" https://twitter.com/boomsports/status/414411612762537984

"I want to do my best to not give up until the end." http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/8370111/

"I want to do not give up tomorrow."

«…Body that I have a little nervous . I was not moving very much but . Olympics ...... that is at stake .  I have been swallowed up by the atmosphere . …

I was kept in mind and try to do not miss my performance . I think so but today I could not , and would like to do to not give up tomorrow .

Practice 6 minutes to I was not bad

Was good speed to enter, and it would have liked in 6 minutes , but I could not decide on the production with them, and want to decide tomorrow .

( From the coach ?) Were said to be " Come enjoy it without having to worry about the other things too ." It's not missing is still nervous even now . There was a thing of unique in that Olympics selection . I think in the fight against myself , I was thinking podium also not far away and if it does to believe in the power of their own , but I would like endless slip not give up tomorrow " http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20131221-00000009-spnavi-spo Спасибо, хоть без трагедии и пафоса заметка  


http://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2013/12/21/jpeg/G20131221007246140_view.jpg  Я бы сказала, что видеть такое не хочу и все время боюсь этого. Но  видеть осталось совсем недолго.  Это драгоценное что ли, т. к. последнее.  Улыбайтесь,  пожалуйста. Пожалуйста!
Ага, ну вот хоть так улыбайтесь  http://sankei.jp.msn.com/images/news/131221/oth13122121210023-p27.jpg
этот альбом , там ниже все-все  http://sankei.jp.msn.com/sports/photos/131221/oth13122121210023-p27.htm

Тренировка, Нобу совсем в конце чуть-чуть  http://www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00260111.html  это же на ютубе  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXygIc7-1E4

Жалость такая, быть так хорошо готовым, зайти настолько далеко и так испортить себе жизнь:(

3-4 разминки где-то в 15.40  http://www.jsfresults.com/National/2013-2014/fs_e/nationals/data0105.htm

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